Saturday, March 27, 2010

IDOL MERCHANDISES :) tell me what you wanna see in this post!

please order with the link of the item you wanna purchase :D

3 Yuan items cost $4.50
4 Yuan items cost $5
5 Yuan items cost $5.50
6-7 Yuan items cost $7
8 Yuan items cost $7.50
9 Yuan items cost $8
10 to 14 Yuan items cost $8.50
15 to 19 Yuan items cost $9.50
20 to 25 Yuan items cost $10.50
26 to 30 Yuan items cost $11.50
31 to 35 Yuan items cost $12.50
36 to 40 Yuan items cost $13.50
41 to 45 Yuan items cost $15
46 to 50 Yuan items cost $16
51 to 55 Yuan items cost $17
56 to 60 Yuan items cost $18.50
61 to 65 Yuan items cost $19.50
66 to 70 Yuan items cost $22


  1. thanks for the price list. Every one want to know prices of the products. i think this is the cool price. Merchandise Goods

  2. 【粉丝堂】ASMAMA正品。Infinite银色镶钻无限标志款项链 Can I buy this one?

    ~Hay Thi (Aye Mon's sister :) )
